Averna e More
I know. It sounds like Averna amore, but that’s what’s been going on around here. I have been drinking a lot of this Sicilian amaro lately. I am accustomed to consuming Averna neat (undiluted, at room temperature, no ice) or straight up (with ice.) Then I came across a cocktail called a Blackberry Smash, a bracing mix of Meyer lemon juice, ginger beer, orange-flavored vodka, muddled blackberries and Averna.
The dark fruity flavor of the blackberries and the citrus married beautifully with the Averna, but Bart found it a touch too astringent. So I got busy and fiddled a little, figuring some simple syrup might take the edge off. Then it dawned on me that fresh basil would complement the herbaceous notes of the Amaro Averna. So I added a bit of basil simple syrup to sweeten the drink and cut down on the perceived astringency, and this baby was born.
I have been making this drink with Eureka lemons. If you’ve got Meyer lemons on hand, they’d also be wonderful. Don’t skimp on the orange-flavored vodka. Use a premium brand, like Grey Goose.
Cheers! For those of you who have been following my remodel, check out the shots of our progress at the bottom of this article. And trust me, with a project of this magnitude, a cocktail helps. For more on Averna, click here.
Averna e More
serves 1
1/3 cup blackberries, plus berries to garnish
1 oz. Amaro Averna
1 oz. orange-flavored vodka
½ oz. fresh lemon juice
1 oz. basil simple syrup (recipe follows)
2 ounces (or more) Fever-Tree ginger beer
basil sprig to garnish
Fill a rocks glass ¾ full with ice cubes. Drop cup of blackberries into a cocktail shaker and muddle well. Pour Averna, vodka, lemon juice, basil simple syrup, and a few ice cubes into the shaker and shake for 30 seconds. Strain into the rocks glass. Top with ginger beer, and garnish with a few berries and a sprig of basil. Serve at once.
Basil Simple Syrup
Simple syrup is quick and easy to make and has many different uses in the kitchen. It can be plain, just sugar and water, or it can be flavored with anything from anise to vanilla, or as here, basil. Plain, it is the ideal sweetener for cold drinks – no need to worry about your sugar not dissolving. Mix it with spirits to moisten layers of cake. A simple rule of thumb for flavoring simple syrup is if you are using herbs, such as mint or basil, add them at the beginning right along with the sugar and water. If you are adding spirits, do so after you remove the finished syrup from the flame. Generously flavored with basil, this syrup is wonderful over fresh fruit or as a sweetening agent for lemonade or mixed drinks.
2 cups basil leaves
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup water
Place all ingredients in medium saucepan. Heat over medium high until sugar has dissolved and mixture has come to a gentle simmer, stirring occasionally. Mixture will be completely clear when sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat. Cool, strain and store in refrigerator up to 5 days.
Click here for another use for basil simple syrup.
Averna and Fever-Tree ginger beer are available at BevMo! and Mission Wine and Spirits and other purveyors.
Note: You can click on any picture and see a slide show!
I have no affiliation with any product, manufacturer, or site mentioned in this article.
Sunday, September 21st 2014 at 7:18 pm |
This looks amazing! I am totally getting thirsty looking at this!
Monday, September 22nd 2014 at 6:24 am |
I’m glad this caught your eye, and I hope you try it! Cheers!
Tuesday, September 23rd 2014 at 12:02 pm |
You deserve a good drink Adri! Living through a remodel is very stressful (as you know) and I say bottoms up! And blackberries and ginger-beer? I can’t think of a better combo. I might have just drooled… I enjoy the pictures you post on Facebook- little green shrubs amongst the wooden frames with hard men at work. It’s certainly coming along! Cheers lovely! xx
Tuesday, September 23rd 2014 at 5:51 pm |
Ciao Emilie,
Oh, but the blackberries and ginger beer are a great combo, and a new one for me. I have developed quite a fondness for ginger beer, and it is a wonderful partner for Averna. These cocktails are just what the doctor ordered for the home remodeler. Cheers!
Wednesday, September 24th 2014 at 5:53 am |
I just love the basil/blackberry combo here. What a celebration of summer colors. We actually picked a lot of free-roaming blackberries this year in the wild and are looking for ways to better enjoy them. What a beautiful drink option. Love that pop of green on top, lovely =)
Wednesday, September 24th 2014 at 7:21 am |
Benvenuta Laura,
How wonderful to be able to pick blackberries. I have to get mine from the market. I hope you try this one. It really is a delight. Cheers!
Wednesday, September 24th 2014 at 11:02 am |
Your re-model is a very big job, Adri, but I know you’ll be very happy with it when it is completed and I can’t wait to see how everything will look!
Any drink made with blacberries sounds wonderful to me! Blueberries and blackberries are my favorites. My husband likes appertifs so I’ll tell him to look for Averna.
PS: The problem with my blog is resolved–I took off many of my “third party” sidebar links and thankfully “cured” my blog!:)
Wednesday, September 24th 2014 at 11:14 am |
Hi Pat,
I was late to the “blackberries in cocktails” party, but now I am a real convert. I love the taste. I have to say that a cocktail at the end of the day is just what the doctor ordered. I’m glad you got the blog problem solved. Sometimes these solutions can be very elusive, but so often taking away those sidebar links does the trick. Cheers!
Friday, September 26th 2014 at 7:46 am |
Hey Adri, my husband was born and raised in Sicily and absolutely adores this Amaro Averna. You made a beautiful idea into a fabulous cocktail! BRavo!
Friday, September 26th 2014 at 8:34 am |
It seems that Sicilians everywhere enjoy Averna. I hope you try this cocktail. It really is refreshing, a unique twist on this classic amaro. Cheers!
Sunday, September 28th 2014 at 6:38 am |
I have a bottle of amaro in my liquor cabinet that needs a purpose! This is a gorgeous drink Adri! I can\’t wait to give it a try!
Sunday, September 28th 2014 at 11:28 am |
Hi Maria,
I hope you give this one a try. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!
Tuesday, September 30th 2014 at 4:54 pm |
Great drink! I definitely need to get a bottle of Averna — this sounds wonderful. Thanks.
Tuesday, September 30th 2014 at 6:26 pm |
Ben tornato John,
I hope you enjoyed your time off. Cheers!
Wednesday, October 1st 2014 at 8:03 am |
Oh my – this sounds really good! I can just taste that deep berry flavor! I’m not familiar with Averna, but now I think I should be
Wednesday, October 1st 2014 at 11:54 am |
Hi Donalyn,
Averna is wonderful. It is less bitter and less assertive than some amari, and it is a wonderful match for the deep fruitiness of the blackberries and the peppery sweetness of the ginger beer. Cheers!
Friday, October 3rd 2014 at 5:54 am |
Hi Adri, cocktail looks luscious! I am intrigued by your building process, as Bill and I will be doing the same, next spring. Downsizing–yet making things feel efficient and expansive. with a dream kitchen! hope all is well! Nancy
Friday, October 3rd 2014 at 8:24 am |
Hi Nancy,
First thing – get a list of your favorite cocktails. This building process is really something – fun, but exhausting. I look forward to hearing about your new home. Cheers!
Saturday, October 4th 2014 at 12:44 pm |
I usually use booze like vanilla for baking. I have acquired rum, brandy, and vermouth since I cook with them, but perhaps I should be exploring your cocktail.
Saturday, October 4th 2014 at 4:43 pm |
Ciao Madonna,
Try it- I bet you will like it. Averna is an absolute delight, and it makes a terrific sorbetto. Cheers!
Sunday, October 5th 2014 at 8:47 am |
Oh! Come on! Come on! We all can\’t wait for a new post:)
Sunday, October 5th 2014 at 10:00 pm |
Ciao Marcela,
I’m working on it! Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, October 5th 2014 at 8:49 am |
I’m not a big fan of Amaro on its own, but this is a delightful way introduce it to my drink repertoire.
On another note,”remodel” is an entirely inadequate descriptor for what you have going on. That looks more like a full-blown rebuild. Cheers to a smooth and expeditious completion!
Sunday, October 5th 2014 at 10:05 pm |
Ciao Due,
I do hope you give this one a go. After all, you guys were just in Sicily. The ginger beer and basil are wonderful with it. And you are so right; our project is WAY beyond a remodel. Now that I look at it, now that the enormity of the project has really settled in, I realize that Bart and I are building a whole new house. I can’t wait until it is done. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
Tuesday, October 7th 2014 at 7:11 am |
Mmh, this Cocktail combines some of my favorite flavors ( I\’m crazy about
The Basil syrup sounds amazing, must try it out.
Tuesday, October 7th 2014 at 10:39 am |
Hi Daniela,
I am glad this one caught your eye. Amaro Averna is very versatile, and the basil simple syrup is really tasty. Cheers!
Wednesday, October 8th 2014 at 12:46 am |
Averna is such a verstile drink. I had one last week with bloodorange juice and vodka. delicious. Those blackberries just look perfect
Wednesday, October 8th 2014 at 6:45 am |
Hi Tania,
You are so right about Averna being versatile. It ought to be in everyone’s bar. I bet this was wonderful with blood orange juice and vodka. Cheers!
Saturday, October 11th 2014 at 6:01 am |
You always have the best cocktails, Adri.
Saturday, October 11th 2014 at 7:12 am |
Ciao Frank,
Sunday, October 12th 2014 at 5:48 pm |
I loved your description of the taste notes of Averna. It makes me want to run out and acquire some immediately. And then mix up this cocktail with all of the other wonderful ingredients. Good job.
Sunday, October 12th 2014 at 5:56 pm |
Hi Lynne,
I am hooked on Averna. And as good as it is in drinks like this, things on the lighter, more citrusy side of the spectrum, Averna is also wonderful in things like a Black Manhattan where it is mixed with rye. Gotta love something that is as versatile as that. Cheers!
Friday, October 24th 2014 at 5:37 pm |
Surely you must be the soul of every party if you can prepare such wonderful cocktails!
Saturday, October 25th 2014 at 7:05 am |
Benvenuta Lily,
Thank you! I do enjoy a nice cocktail now and again. Thank you for stopping by. Alla prossima!
Friday, October 24th 2014 at 7:05 pm |
Wow Adri, how superb! I could drink one or two of these right now!
Saturday, October 25th 2014 at 7:07 am |
Hi Lizzy,
To tell you the truth, so could I! This one hit the spot, espeically when it was so terribly hot here a while ago. Thanks for stopping by!