Blogs Got Talent!


Apologies to all, I am late with this announcement. Earlier this month I was the featured blogger on Chiara Giglio’s online project “Blogs Got Talent!” Chiara, a gracious and talented food blogger herself, has scoured the internet and found bloggers whose work she thinks deserves recognition. With my Crostata di Funghi, I am honored and flattered to be #37 on her ongoing list.


Chiara is the author of the Italian language food blog La Voglia Matta. And when she is not featuring other bloggers she presents some truly fantastic Italian food of her own. Check out her site for some real inspiration.

Since my feature ran, I have made the acquaintance of many Italian language food bloggers, and I have enjoyed the ongoing sharing of info. An added benefit of this is I am getting to practice my Italian with my new blogger friends. Mille grazie, Chiara!


Note: You can click on any picture for a slide show!

I have no affiliation with any product, manufacturer, or site mentioned in this article.

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  1. Ping from Anthony Fama:

    Congratulations. Keep up the good work and great cooking

  2. Ping from Irene:

    Congratulations, Adri! I love the falling snowflakes too!

    • Ping from Adri:

      Hi Irene,

      Thank you! It was a surprise, for certain. I was really thrilled, and it was so gracious of Chiara. I am in some very fine company. And if you have not visited Chiara’s site yet, do go and check it out. She puts up great recipes, many of which are very unique.

      I am glad you like the snowflakes. I think they are great. Happy New Year!

  3. Ping from janet Crocetti:

    Dear Adri,

    You’ve gone international! How wonderful for you and your new viewers!!



    • Ping from Adri:

      Hi Janet,

      Pretty cool, no? I was thrilled, and in all seriousness, this has really pushed me into getting my Italian language skills back. Ask Guy, and he will tell you that back in the day, he and I enrolled together in Sig. Francillon’s Italian classes at UCLA. We studied together, and what’s more, we were the props for class study. The drill went like this Q: “Who opens the door for Miss Crocetti?” A: Her older brother Guy opens the door for her.” And on it went. We studied constantly at home, drilling each other mercilessly, as only Crocettis’ on a roll can do. We did well, and more than that, we had a ball.

      Happy New Year to all, oh excuse me, I meant to write “Felice anno nuovo a tutti”

  4. Ping from Ciao Chow Linda:

    What a lovely honor Adri. I follow her blog and always enjoy both her own posts, and the other bloggers she highlights. I am enthralled with your snowflakes too!

    • Ping from Adri:

      Ciao Linda,

      This was a quite a wonderful surprise. In fact, I first met Chiara through your site. So the way I figure it, I owe it all to you.

      I am glad to hear you like the snowflakes. I thought they were pretty neat, too. Grazie amica, e felice anno nuovo!

  5. Ping from Chiara:

    What a lovely surprise Adri, I’m very happy ! Auguro a te e alla tua famiglia uno splendido 2013 pieno di salute e felicità, ti abbraccio…

  6. Ping from Frank @Memorie di Angelina:

    I’m a big fan of Chiara’s blog. I know I’ll always find something delicious there. This crostata certainly looks like no exception to the rule!

    • Ping from Adri:

      Benvenuto Frank,

      Grazie! And yes indeed, Chiara’s blog rocks. She always presents wonderful things, and her gracious nature knows no bounds. I was surprised and deeply touched to have been included in Blogs Got Talent!

      I never imagined when I started this site, I’d meet so many people, yourself included, possessed of such a wealth and wide breadth of knowledge of Italian cuisine. Talk about blogging with benefits…

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