Broccoli with Homemade Cavatelli and Crudo Extra Virgin Olive Oil
This dish is simple, unfussy, and flexible. Maybe that is one reason why it is so good. Vibrant green broccoli and toothsome pasta are tossed with toasted pine nuts, peperoncino flakes, Parmigiano, and warm garlic-scented olive oil. And what oil this is. When I decided to write this article, it was going to be about how to make a simple dinner and the traditional pasta corta (short pasta) known as cavatelli, but once I tasted a spoonful of the Crudo Extra Virgin olive oil, my perspective shifted, and the dish ran away with the spoon.
I’ve tasted lots of olive oil. I’ve written lots about olive oil, but this monocultivar (an oil made from just one type of olive) from the province of Bari in Puglia is in a class by itself. It has won numerous awards including a Gold Medal in the New York International Olive Oil Competition and a Silver Medal in the Los Angeles International Olive Oil Competition, both in 2013. The flavorful but delicate oil is pressed from Ogliarola olives grown by the Schiralli family who have been in the oil business since 1922. The family’s oliveto (farm) near Bitetto has more than 8,000 olive trees spread over the Apulian foothills. Rocky soil, sea air and plenty of sun make for perfect growing conditions. The oil is pressed and bottled on site.
Crudo is clear, mildly spiced, and high in polyphenols, the healthful anti-oxidant compounds found in fine olive oils. With a vivid yellow-green color and an aroma of tomato leaves, parsley, and herbs, it sports distinct notes of almond. Dribbled generously over warm crostini it transformed the bread into a succulent mouthful. The scent of the warm oil entered my nostrils at the same time as the green notes filled my mouth. Then the mild pepper made its way to my throat, and some of the warm oil slid down my chin. I just had to laugh. It really was that good.
The flexible, unfussy part of this recipe comes right at the beginning because truth to tell, you don’t have to use broccoli. If you’ve got it, use green or purple cauliflower or broccoli romanesco, that cool looking green vegetable that looks like it landed from outer space. Cima di rapa would also be tasty. In Puglia, one of the areas where this pasta is found, turnip greens are often used. In early Spring when the fave come in, toss some with cavatelli, olive oil and chunks of Ricotta Salata for a satisfying and tasty meal. Dishes like this are all about local, in-season, easy and fresh.
I used broccoli because I had some left over from dinner the night before. I had blanched the broccoli florets in generously salted boiling water for about 4 minutes, then stopped the cooking by dropping the florets in ice water, a process known as shocking. However, the broccoli, or any vegetable of choice, could just as easily have been cooked right along with the cavatelli for the last few minutes of cooking time. Do what is easiest.
I have called for pignoli (pine nuts), but they are more expensive than ever this year. The Crudo Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a remarkably intoxicating scent of almonds, so feel free to substitute slivered almonds for the pignoli. Take the time to toast the nuts first, tossing them gently in a small skillet over medium heat, until they become fragrant and take on a golden color. They taste better that way.
Make this classic country dish a few times, and it will become your signature dish. Try adding a few anchovy fillets to the oil as it warms in the skillet. If you have day old country bread, blitz it in a food processor fitted with the metal knife and add ¾ cup of the finely chopped crumbs to the oil as it heats, tossing the crumbs as they gently toast, for another layer of flavor. Top the dish with breadcrumbs instead of cheese.
Many thanks to Olio2Go for sending this bottle of liquid gold out to California for me to try. Dear Reader, I can only say I hope you get your hands on some.
Broccoli with Homemade Cavatelli and Crudo Extra Virgin Olive Oil
serves 4
Cavatelli are often served with tomato sauce, and also with heavier ragus. They are a great match because the ridges on the pasta’s surface grip the sauce, and the hollow fills, delivering tasty mouthfuls with every bite. The pasta holds the olive oil just as well. It slithers over the pasta coating it and pooling between the ridges, filling the concavity with its silky, sun-drenched flavor.
As good and as enticing as this dish is with homemade cavatelli, you can also enjoy it with one of the widely available industrially produced brands. Any pasta corta, such as orecchiette, fusilli, or gemelli would work well here. Use more or less pasta, or more or less broccoli as desired. Instead of Parmigiano to finish the dish, try a favorite Pecorino (sheep’s milk cheese.) Simple country cooking like this should be an absolute pleasure and come together with a minimum of fuss and the greatest of ease. Full of flavor, it will soothe body and soul.
12 ounces to 1 pound broccoli, separated into florets, blanched, shocked and drained OR cooked along with the cavatelli
3 cloves of garlic, peeled and lightly crushed
peperoncino flakes
cup pine nuts or slivered almonds
Crudo Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Parmigiano to pass at the table
Cavatelli, 1 recipe of fresh or 3/4-1 pound dried
Bring 6 quarts of water to a rolling boil. As the water heats, drop the nuts in a small heavy-bottom skillet and lightly toast over medium heat for a few minutes, shaking the pan often. Don’t over toast or the nuts will burn and develop a distinctly unpleasant, sharp, bitter edge. Remove from the pan and set aside.
Pour ½ cup of Crudo Extra Virgin Olive Oil into a 12-inch skillet. Add the lightly crushed garlic cloves and ½ teaspoon of peperoncino flakes. Heat the oil very gently over a low flame, letting it slowly absorb the scent of the garlic and peperoncino.
Once the water has come to a boil, add ¼ cup coarse sea salt. Add the cavatelli and boil about 9 to 14 minutes. The cooking time will depend both on the size of the cavatelli and on how long they have dried. If using commercial cavatelli, cook according to the manufacturer’s directions.
About 3 minutes before the pasta is ready, increase the heat under the skillet to medium high and add the broccoli. (If cooking the broccoli with the cavatelli, add it to the boiling water about 4 minutes before the cavatelli have finished cooking.)
Increase the heat to high under the skillet. Drain the cavatelli (and broccoli, if cooked together) and carefully add to the hot skillet. The water may bubble up, so exercise caution. Add the toasted pine nuts, along with a ladle or two of pasta water. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil and more peperoncino, if desired, tossing to coat. Transfer to a serving dish or serve directly from the skillet. Pass the Parmigiano or other grating cheese.
Homemade Cavatelli
This pasta is found across Southern Italy, that sun-drenched clutch of Italian regions known collectively as the Mezzogiorno. It has more names than I have space to relate, many peculiar to the region, province, or city in which it is made and eaten. Cavatelli, cavatieddi, cazzarille, capunti and cavatuneddi, are but a few names. The dough, typically eggless, can be made from various flours (most commonly wheat) and water (either boiling, warm or cold), with salt sometimes being added. The type of flour varies from cook to cook and region to region. In parts of Puglia cavatelli are made with fava flour. Some Pugliese cooks use the region’s famous grano arso, a toasted hard wheat flour that lends a distinctive nutty flavor and dusky hue to the finished product. Many cooks use semola rimacinata, a very finely milled hard (high-protein) golden wheat flour.
I have used a combination of semola rimacinata and all-purpose 00 (doppio zero or double 00) flour, a slightly softer wheat flour that, like semola rimacinata, is very finely ground. The combination makes a dough that is easy to manipulate, yet maintains a toothy al dente texture when cooked.
The flours themselves are a joy to work with, the rich sunny yellow of the semola rimacinata providing a striking visual contrast to the stark white of the 00 flour. The flours feel cool to the touch, and the talc-fine grains run between the fingers, kicking up a fine wheaty-smelling dust that is pleasurable beyond belief.
Cavatelli can be made entirely by hand, the dough rolled into slender ropes, anywhere from about ¼ to ½ inch in diameter, cut in tiny knobs and rolled along a table using one, two, or three fingers to make the concave indentation. Sometimes a blunt ended tool known as a sferre is used to form cavatelli’s trademark hollow center. They can be larger or smaller, plain or grooved, and the little indentation more or less open.
When made using two or three fingers, the larger cavatelli are described as ‘ncatenate (chained.) Large cavatelli such as these are often used in soups along with legumes and vegetables.
Additionally, some cooks use a pettine (garganelli comb), or a gnocchi board to form the cavatelli while others use a hand-cranked machine. It seems every family, every cook, has his or her own method.
1 ½ cups 00 OR all-purpose flour
1 cup semola rimacinata
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
¾ to 1 cup lukewarm water
Extra flour to roll and form dough
To make the dough in a food processor: place the flours and sea salt in the workbowl fitted with the metal knife. Pulse briefly to blend. With the machine running, add ¾ cup lukewarm water until the dough forms small clumps. If it is too dry, add lukewarm water 1 teaspoon at a time. If it is too wet, add a bit more flour, a little at a time. Drop the dough onto a lightly floured board and knead gently for about 5 minutes until smooth and firm. Form the dough into a disk, wrap in plastic and set aside to rest 30 minutes.
To make the dough by hand: place the flours and salt in a small pile on a spianatoia (pasta board) or work counter, and stir to combine. Form a fontana (well), in the center, by hollowing out an area about the size of an orange. Slowly pour ¾ cup lukewarm water into the fontana, using a fork to integrate the flour and water, adding more water as necessary. Work the flour in slowly and combine it well to avoid creating lumps. Once the water has been added and the dough has come together in a shaggy mass, use a bench scraper to push it aside. Clean the spianatoia of any loose pieces of dough. Dust the spianatoia lightly with flour and knead the dough until it is smooth and firm, about 5 to 8 minutes. Form the dough into a disk, wrap in plastic and set aside to rest 30 minutes.
Clamp the cavatelli maker onto the spianatoia. Line 2 trays with lint-free towels and lightly dust the towels with flour.
Lightly flour the spianatoia. Unwrap the dough and roll to about ½ inch thick. Cut the dough into strips and roll into ropes just under ½ inch thick. Flour one rope well and feed it into the cavatelli machine, turning the crank to feed the pasta through. The formed cavatelli will drop from the side opposite the rollers. Toss the formed cavatelli lightly to coat with flour, and transfer them to the towel lined trays. Repeat with all the dough. Dry the cavatelli on the trays for 1to 2 hours prior to boiling.
Semola rimacinata, 00 flour and Crudo Extra Virgin Olive Oil are available online from Olio2Go and at their brick and mortar store at 8400 Hilltop Road, Suite H, Fairfax, VA 22031.
Hand-cranked cavatelli makers are available from Artisanal Pasta Tools in Napa, California.
Click here to see Terry Mirri of Artisanal Pasta Tools demonstrate the use of the hand-cranked cavatelli maker.
Disclosure: I received the Crudo Extra Virgin Olive Oil for review. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I otherwise have no affiliation with any product, manufacturer, or site mentioned in this article.
Note: You can click on any picture for a larger image, and to see a slide show!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 1:37 am |
A beautifully documented recipe and oil story. A pair of loving hands and lots of domesticity with flours. A winning combination of love and colors…can’t beat that Adri! Thanks so much for posting…
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 6:54 am |
Ciao Paula,
Thank you-yes, loving hands at home!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 3:34 am |
I had wondered how the pasta was formed and then there were two options. These winter pastas are just what my soul needs right now.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 6:54 am |
Hi Val,
Yes, it’s a good one, and really terrific to do with kids. Try it with a nice meat sauce!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 6:44 am |
Wonderful post, Adri. This a delicious dish and fresh cavatelli make all the difference. I don’t have a cavatelli attachment but they are not too bad to make withour one, as long as you are not feeding an army. Very nice photos.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 6:56 am |
Hi Jovina,
Thank you. This is a subject I had intended to do for a while, and when I saw the broccoli in the fridge, I figured now was the time! You are right, about doing them by hand; it does go pretty quickly. Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 7:07 am |
Absolutely gorgeous Adri! As usual your instructions are spot on and photos magnificent. And I absolutely love the versatility of what to put with the cavatelli…this is a keeper!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 7:36 am |
Hi Laney,
Thanks! There is just no end to the wonder of Italian food. You simply MUST try this oil. I am not kidding. You won’t believe it.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 7:26 am |
Ciao Adri! This dish is perfect for an easy dinner during the busy weeknights. And, I have a broccoli in the fridge and was just contemplating what to do with it, Thanks! Our mom use to make homemade pasta and cavatelli. This post brings back our childhood memories. So nice!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 7:38 am |
Hi you two!
I’m glad to bring back the memories. This one does the same for me. Dishes like this are perfect for weeknights; with a commercial dried pasta, this is Italian fast food. Alla prossima!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 8:01 am |
I haven’t yet tackled making pasta at home. I buy fresh when I run across it though..but reading through your post here and seeing what a great meal this is tempts me to start. This is my kind of cooking for sure.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 8:08 am |
Hi Trevor,
Give it a go, I say. You’ll have fun! Thanks for stopping by.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 8:06 am |
Such a nice, thorough, well-written recipe! Or recipes, I should say. Broccoli and good olive oil is a wonderful match. Don’t often use pine nuts when I make that sort of dish – I should, though. And I’ve never made my own cavetelli. I need to someday. Super post – thanks.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 8:09 am |
Hi John,
Thank you for the kind words. I alwasy enjoy doing these pasta posts!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 8:55 am |
You make me want to rush out and buy a cavatelli maker Adri. Your posts are always so informative, and filled with mouth-watering photos. Wish I could pop in for a plateful. I love the idea of adding a little anchovy to this sauce, to give it even more zip.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 8:57 am |
Ciao Linda,
I say make some cavatelli. I bet you would come up with some fab ideas. It sure would be wonderful if you could drop in. We’d have a ball.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 9:51 am |
It’s the simple dishes that are sometimes the best, this looks wonderful and great olive oil makes all the difference!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 9:54 am |
You are so right about simple dishes and oil. I hope you get a chance to try this one. It is stellar. Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 10:07 am |
This dish looks so delicious..we eat a dish made with rapini.. I think it would be even better with your home made pasta.
Lovely post..
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 10:40 am |
Hi Monique,
This would be great with rapini – you are right on top of it! Thank you for stopping by and for the kind words. Alla prossima1
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 10:16 am |
come sempre sei riuscita a creare un piatto meraviglioso, tradizionale e gustosissimo ! Un abbraccio
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 10:41 am |
Ciao Chiara,
Grazie! Questo piatto è uno dei preferiti di mio marito. Unbacione!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 2:52 pm |
“The dish ran away with the spoon”. I love words. GREG
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 3:47 pm |
Hi Greg,
Between you and me, we have the nursery rhymes covered… un bacione, amico!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 3:31 pm |
In Abruzzo we serve cavatelli (sometimes called ‘caratelli’) with orapi ~ wild spinach. So delicious. One of my favorite restaurants makes tiny caratelli, hand-shapedn (or, rather, finger-shaped). They are so good. But I like Terry’s gadget. Might have to invest in one. Thanks for another lovely post.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 3:52 pm |
Hi Domenica,
This one was pretty neat because lots of people have told me their family variation for the dish. I often make the cavatelli very tiny. They look nice, and they are quite light when they are tiny. The machine is cool, but it can be a bit tricky. The dough must not be sticky, otherwise it becomes difficult to deal with. I’d love to see what you do with this. Better call Terry!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 4:20 pm |
Once again you inspire me Adri, I have that machine but haven’t used it in about a year. I’ll have to try your combination of flours although I just have plain semolina, would that work? Many of the Italian restaurants here in Chicago have 8 finger cavatelli on their menus, they’re pretty big, they call it that because it takes 8 of your fingers to roll it out. It’s usually served with a vodka cream sauce, deadly!!!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 4:32 pm |
Hi Marie,
I bet it would work beautifully with the semolina-you just might have to fiddle with the proportions a little. 8 finger cavatelli, good grief, they must be huge! I actually like to make them real tiny, rolling a rope about the size of a pencil. I was just thinking – how about a post “Cavatelli with the Grandkids”… let’s see it, Marie!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 4:45 pm |
Ooh! A rainbow of romanesco, orange and purple cauliflower would be beautiful with this adorable cavatelli!!
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 4:54 pm |
Hi Cat,
You are so right! That would be glorious. Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 2:13 am |
Complimenti un piatto fantastico. I cavatelli sono una meraviglia!!!
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 7:22 am |
Ciao Simona,
Grazie! Adoro i cavatelli!
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 6:01 am |
Great post and incredible pictures as always. You make food appreciation so fun, one can get seduced by pears and drunk on olive oil. It is always such a joy to read your words.
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 7:26 am |
Hi Trisha,
Thanks, I’m a cheap thrill! I’ve been reading lots of history of Gaius Julius Caesar lately, and I’ve had images of him and Marcus Antonius doing just the same thing as they made their way back to Italia from the Gallic Wars and then from the Civil War engagements with Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 10:56 am |
My mouth is watering, Adri. My mom would make cavatelli with broccoli aglio e olio on the occasional Friday night she didn’t cook pasta fagioli and I love it still. The cavatelli would be freshly made by a local pasta shop, with ricotta in the dough I think..I’ve never seen that very sweet looking hand-cranked maker. I want one! Thank you for the excellent demonstration.
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 11:29 am |
Hi Karen,
It’s great to hear from you, and I love hearing about your family dish. I say call Terry Mirri at Artisanal Pasta Tools, get a cavatelli maker, and cook up some family memories. Alla prossima!
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 5:04 pm |
Adri, do I ever wish my mom was Italian! Never tried making fresh pasta without eggs. Have made a version with dried pasta, broccoli and Italian sausage that\’s pretty tasty…however…I am definitely going to give this a try because I love your idea of the fave! Would love the little machine but will stick with the gnocchi board, cause it has more than one use (owner of a small kitchen speaking)! Saw the conversation on FB about the flours, so you now have me on the search for the semola reminciata. And OMG that oil! Just got our new oil in from Umbria but would I ever like to try the crudo…thanks, now I\’ll be hunting it down as well.
Tuesday, January 21st 2014 at 5:45 pm |
Hi Phyllis,
I bet you’ll enjoy this. Pretty soon it will be fave season… and happy hunting!
Wednesday, January 22nd 2014 at 2:23 pm |
This looks like true comfort food, Adri. I own the same cavatelli machine–it works so well! I hesitate to buy pignoli nuts these days as sadly most brands seem to come from China, and I do not trust that country as a food source. I do miss their flavor.
Wednesday, January 22nd 2014 at 3:20 pm |
Hi Pat,
It is comfort food, for certain. I say break out your machine and make some cavatelli! I agree with you about some of today’s Pignoli nuts and other foods from China. I no longer trust the food available for purchase. It is a darn shame.
Wednesday, January 22nd 2014 at 5:04 pm |
Adri, I learned so much from this one post. I’ve would love to try the olive oil and I think anchovies are almost a must for the broccoli. The cavatelli looks amazing, a pasta I have not yet made, and I’m very curious about where you get the semolina. I usually buy it course and then use a food processor to grind it much finer. I’m so glad I found your blog.
Wednesday, January 22nd 2014 at 9:00 pm |
Benvenuta Angela!
I am so pleased you have visited and thrilled to hear that you have learned. I hope you try the cavatelli-and you are right about the anchovies. They really do, as Linda of Ciao Chow Linda commented add some zip. Contact Olio2Go for the flour and oil, and you will be on the road to culinary happiness. Alla prossima!
Wednesday, January 22nd 2014 at 5:18 pm |
Ooh, this dish looks SO fantastic. We just had simple leftovers for dinner, and now I’m wishing I had a big bowl of this instead. YUM!
Wednesday, January 22nd 2014 at 9:02 pm |
Hi Amy,
I’ll admit it. This one really is good, and with a commercial pasta makes an amazingly fast weeknight supper. This is a classic of Italian country cooking, and about as flexible as a recipe can possibly get. I hope you give it a go! Un bacione a te!
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 9:22 am |
That is such a beautiful and fancy dish. The cavatelli looks so good, you rock. I haven’t made home made pasta in a long time, you inspire me.
I don’t have this machine, I am just wondering how to form it by hand, guessing it’s hard to get the same texture and consistency.
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 10:00 am |
Hi Ash,
Thanks for the kind words! This one is fun to do, and you absolutely do not need a machine to do it. In fact, here is a link to a video by Elizabeth Minchilli, travel writer extraordinaire, in which Filomena, the cook at Francis Ford Coppola’s Palazzo Margherita demonstrates the technique of forming this pasta by hand. The video was made during Elizabeth’s visit to the hotel in Basilicata. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by. Let’s see some cavatelli on your site soon!
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 1:11 pm |
Great recipe! Wow Adri your cavatelli look delicious. I should try this recipe! Thanks for sharing. Paola
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 6:02 pm |
Ciao Paola,
Thanks for the kind words. This one really is tasty, so simple and satisfying. How about a cavatelli post from you? People certainly seem to have enjoyed this one. Un bacione!
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 1:36 pm |
Oh Adri, this looks wonderful! I used to eat a version of this growing up, and brought the tradition with me to college where I would make it for my roommates (without the pignoli of course- we were broke!) Which by the way, why on earth are they so expensive? It’s ridiculous. I like that you suggest almonds as a substitute, and if I lived anywhere near you I would positively rob that amazing olive oil of yours. I might have mentioned this, but I worked for a specialty olive oil store and the world of oils is truly something else. Having a bottle made from just one variety & one grove is far superior to anything else (and hard to find these days). It’s like liquid gold. Your pasta and instructions are beautiful. I absolutely adore this kind of food. xx
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 6:12 pm |
Hi Emilie,
Thank you! I love the college memory, and about the pignoli, it really is out of control. They have always been costly, but this year it is just terrible. I think that due to weather the crop was extremely small, so the price has skyrocketed. The good news is that almonds are a natural with this oil, another reason to grab a bottle.
I did not know that you are an olive oil pro. Dream job! Oh, but I would love for you to write about it some time, perhaps your favorite – and why you love it. I am truly interested in hearing from you on the subject. I’m saiting for your post…
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 3:19 pm |
Thank you so much for visiting my blog today! It is lovely to meet you, especially in such a delicious post.
The oil sounds INCREDIBLE!!! 
Thursday, January 23rd 2014 at 6:27 pm |
Hi Krista,
The pleasure is mine entirely. And thank you for visiting me. I am so pleased to hear that you have enjoyed my site. Until next time – alla prossima!
Friday, January 24th 2014 at 5:41 am |
Simple but divine! Love your kitchen gadget.
Friday, January 24th 2014 at 7:37 am |
Thanks, Angie!
I so enjoy simple dishes like this, food with straightforward flavor. The cavatelli maker functions beautifully, making quick work of the task at hand. Alla prossima!
Saturday, January 25th 2014 at 3:20 am |
fatti in casa hanno uno stile pazzesco! complimenti!!!
Saturday, January 25th 2014 at 7:26 am |
Grazie, Elena!
Saturday, January 25th 2014 at 7:59 am |
I would love to try making cavatelli at home one day. I still have not been able to find the Italian 00 flour that so many Italian recipes require. Where do you find yours, if I may ask?
What a healthy and delicious way to serve them. I’m sure the olive oil must taste wonderful!
Saturday, January 25th 2014 at 8:21 am |
HI Susan,
00 flour is available from Olio2GO, both online and at their brick and mortar store in Farifax, Virginia. Also any good Italian market will have it. Here in Los Angeles, it is sold at Bay Cities and Guidi Marcello in Santa Monica and at Monte Carlo Italian Deli in Burbank. Enjoy!
Sunday, January 26th 2014 at 6:09 am |
Sounds like a really tasty flavor combination, and a new one for me, as I usually go the garlic and anchovy route. Will need to try this some time soon!
Sunday, January 26th 2014 at 7:24 am |
Hi Frank,
I hope you enjoy it – so quick and easy. Alla prossima!