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Meyer Lemon Gelato Pie – Happy Pi Day
It’s Pi Day – 3.14159265359
March 14 is Pi Day, the day on which the math nerds the world over pay homage to the great mathematical constant. Meyer Lemon Gelato Pie is the perfect way to celebrate. Pi may be constant, but Meyer lemons are not. If you are not up for a frozen dessert right now, buy some Meyers, juice them and freeze the juice. This will delight your family and guests come summertime. Read the remainder of this entry »
Torta di limone verde e mascarpone
Lime and Mascarpone Torta
Happy Pi Day! Be irrational today!
March 14 is the day to celebrate π (Pi), the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Math nerds and other number enthusiasts celebrate the symbol with all items circular. I celebrated with a Lime and Mascarpone tart. It’s round, and it’s a pie. I have it covered.
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