World Nutella Day, February 5, 2013

The Panna Cotta Diaries continue…


It’s that time again. World Nutella Day. Time for the worldwide roundup of Nutella recipes. Nutella, in case you have only recently landed on Planet Earth, is that delectable combination of hazelnuts and cocoa developed more than seventy years ago by pastry chef Pietro Ferrero. So well loved is it that in 2007, Sara Rosso of Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle Fabio of Bleeding Espresso decided that it deserved some major recognition, a day all its own. And each year since then on February 5 bloggers the world over share their favorite Nutella recipes. Visit World Nutella Day to browse the recipe collection.

I realized I have not made Panna Cotta in a while, so this year I’ve contributed Nutella Panna Cotta, a sweet creamy dessert enriched with Mascarpone and Frangelico. And if you want even more Nutella recipes, just scroll up to the Search box and type in Nutella.

Nutella Jar

Follow today’s Twitter stream @nutelladay for updates and use the Twitter hashtag #nutelladay to participate.


Nutella Panna Cotta

makes 8 servings, ½ cup each
2 tablespoons water
2 teaspoon KNOX Gelatine
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
scant 1 cup Nutella
1/2 cup Mascarpone
1/4 cup vanilla sugar
1/4 cup Frangelico
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the cream topping:
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup Mascarpone
1 tablespoon Frangelico
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pour water into small bowl. Sprinkle gelatine over and set aside to soften 5 minutes. Bring 1or 2 inches of water to a gentle simmer in a small skillet. When softened, place bowl of gelatin in water, being careful not to splash water into gelatin. Stir gently to dissolve gelatine. The gelatin will appear clear with no trace of grittiness when dissolved. Remove from water and set aside.

Meanwhile combine milk, cream, Mascarpone, Nutella and granulated sugar in medium saucepan. Heat, stirring frequently, until sugar has dissolved and mixture is uniformly combined. Strain into medium bowl. Add Frangelico, vanilla and dissolved gelatine. Stir to combine.

Make a water bath: fill a second, larger bowl one third full with ice water. Place bowl containing Panna Cotta mixture in ice water, taking care not to splash water into mixture. Stir occasionally to promote even cooling and prevent roping of gelatine. When cool, transfer to serving glasses. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate 5 hours or overnight.

Before serving, combine cream topping ingredients, and beat until mixture mounds softly. Top Panna Cotta with a generous dollop of cream and serve.


Note: You can click on any picture for a larger image, and to see a slide show!

I have no affiliation with any product, manufacturer, or site mentioned in this article.

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  1. Ping from Chiara:

    Cara Adri che magnifica coppa per cominciare dolcemente la giornata!Un abbraccio….

  2. Ping from Ely:

    Per questa panna cotta farei carte false! Ossignore che bella giornata, il 5 febbraio 😀 Complimenti e un abbraccio!

  3. Ping from Paola:

    It looks delicious…IRRESISTIBLE!!! Brava Adri, wish you to WIN!!!

  4. Ping from Ciao Chow Linda:

    I forgot all about Nutella Day this year, but am wishing I could dig into your luscious panna cotta. I love, love the beautiful glass compote you served it in too. Is it a family heirloom, or something you bought in Ca.?

    • Ping from Adri:

      Cara Linda,

      Yes, it’s Nutella Day! This panna cotta was interesting. I was concerned that with almost 1 full cup of Nutella it would tighten up too much, but it was just right.

      The glasses are not a family heirloom. I purchased them online from Napa Style, Michael Chiarello’s company. Although they offer other styles of what they call “Venetian glass,” they no longer offer these compotes. It’s a pity because they are really pretty. It was a set of 6, each different. When I ordered them I was concerned that they would be quite fragile, but they are fine. I have the various pieces in other posts – in my post on Amaretto Panna Cotta and Acqua di Cedro Panna Cotta – elsewhere too, I bet, but I can’t recall. I’ll trot out the whole set for you to see.

  5. Ping from artù:

    Purtroppo per me sono allergica alle nocciole….niente nutella in casa mia…altrimenti sarei stata felice di proporre una ricetta per questa dolcissima giornata! a presto

  6. Ping from vickyart:

    questa l’ho fatta anche io..una goduria proprio nn c’è che dire!!! ciao cara!

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